HenryWSC 11

Matthew Henry’s Westminster Shorter Catechism Commentary on Question 11

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When God had made the world, did he leave it to itself? No: for he upholdeth all things by the word of his power,
Heb. 1:3
. Does he see to the whole creation? Yes: for the eyes of the Lord are in every place,
Prov. 15:3
. Does he condescend to take notice of his creatures? Yes: he humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth,
Ps. 113:6
. Is any thing at a distance from him? No: for he is not far from every one of us,
Acts 17:27
. Does he look on as one unconcerned? No: for his eyes behold, and his eyelids try, the children of men,
Ps. 11:4
Does God look after the world of angels? Yes: for he maketh peace in his high places,
Job 25:2
. Does he look after this lower world? Yes: for the eyes of all wait upon him,
Ps. 145:15
. Does he take care of the fowls? Yes: our heavenly Father feedeth them,
Matt. 6:26
. What! even the sparrows? Yes: not one of them shall fall to the ground without our Father,
Matt. 10:29
. What! and the ravens? Yes: he feeds the young ravens which cry,
Ps. 147:9
. Is he the Protector and Benefactor of all the creatures? Yes: Thou preservest them all,
Neh. 9:6
. Is he man’s Protector and Benefactor? Yes: for in him we live, and move, and have our being,
Acts 17:28
. Do we depend upon God for the support of our life? Yes: for he holdeth our soul in life,
Ps. 66:9
. And for the comforts of life? Yes: for he giveth us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness,
Acts 14:17
. And do we depend upon him for the safety of our life? Yes: he keepeth all our bones,
Ps. 34:20
. And for the continuance of life? Yes: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days,
Deut. 30:20
Does God govern all things? Yes: his kingdom ruleth over all,
Ps. 103:19
. Does he govern the holy angels? Yes: for they do his commandments,
Ps. 103:20
. Does he govern the heavenly bodies? Yes the stars in their courses fought against Sisera,
Judg. 5:20
. Does he govern the power of the air? Yes stormy winds fulfil his word,
Ps. 148:8
. Does he order what weather it shall be? Yes for he saith to the snow, Be thou upon the earth,
Job 37:6
And does he govern the inferior creatures? Yes: he spake, and locusts came,
Ps. 105:34
. Can he command them? Yes: I have commanded the ravens to feed thee,
1 Kings 17:4
. Can he control them? Yes: he shut the lions’ mouths,
Dan. 6:22
. Has he a sovereign dominion over the whole creation? Yes; for the Lord of hosts is his name,
Isa. 47:4
Does God govern the children of men? Yes; the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men,
Dan. 4:32
. Does he govern kings? Yes: for the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,
Prov. 21:1
. And does he govern kingdoms? Yes; for he is the Governor among the nations,
Ps. 22:28
. And families too? Yes; for except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it,
Ps. 127:1
. Does be govern great men? Yes: for God is the judge, he puts down one, and sets up another,
Ps. 75:6–7
. And mean men too? Yes: for every man’s judgment proceedeth from the Lord,
Prov. 29:26
. Can man make his own fortune? No: for the way of man is not in himself, neither is it in man that walketh, to direct his steps, Jer. 1:23. When man purposes, does God dispose? Yes: a man’s heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps,
Prov. 16:9
. Do all comforts and crosses come from God’s hand? Yes: for he has said, I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things,
Isa. 45:7
. Does God’s providence extend itself to the smallest things? Yes: the very hairs of your head are all numbered,
Matt. 10:30
Is God’s government holy? Yes: he is holy in all his works,
Ps. 145:17
. Is it wise? Yes : he is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working,
Isa. 28:29
. Is it powerful? Yes : for when he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble,
Job 39:29
. Is it rightful? Yes: God is greater than man,
Job 33:12
. Is it just? Yes: for shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
Gen. 18:25
. Does God sometimes reward and punish in this life? Yes: the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth, much more the wicked and the sinner,
Prov. 11:31
. But does he always? No: for all things come alike to all,
Eccles. 9:1–2
Does God govern the world for the good of his Church? Yes: for Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have called thee by thy name,
Isa. 45:4
. Is the government of the world committed to the Lord Jesus? Yes : for he is head over all things unto the church,
Eph. 1:22
. And is all ordered for God’s glory? Yes : for the Lord alone shall be exalted,
Isa. 2:11
. Is it a comfort to good men that God governs the world? Yes: The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice,
Ps. 97:1
. Is it a terror to the wicked? Yes: The Lord reigns, let the people tremble,
Ps. 99:1
. Ought we to give him the praise of it? Yes: Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigns,
Rev. 19:6
HenryWSC 11