HenryWSC 68

Matthew Henry’s Westminster Shorter Catechism Commentary on Question 68

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Are we to take care of our own lives? Yes: No man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it,
Eph. 5:29
. Must we endeavour the preservation of them? Yes: Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life,
Job 2:4
. Are we to be careful of our diet? Yes: Hast thou found honey, eat so much as is sufficient for thee,
Prov. 25:16
. Are we to use physic when we need it? Yes: Take a lump of figs and lay it upon the boil,
Isa. 38:21
. And are we to be cheerful? Yes: for a merry heart doeth good like a medicine,
Prov. 17:22
Are we to be compassionate even to the brute creatures? Yes: A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast,
Prov. 12:10
. Are we to be careful of the lives of others as well as of our own? Yes: It was Cain that said, Am I my brother’s keeper?
Gen. 4:9
. Are we to do what we can in our places for the relief of those who are exposed to violence? Yes: We must deliver them that are ready to be slain,
Prov. 24:11–12
. Must we succour the distressed, like the good Samaritan? Yes: Go thou and do likewise, Luke 10:87.
Are we to support the lives of those who are in straits? Yes: The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me,
Job 29:13
. Are we to be meek towards those that provoke us? Yes: showing all meekness toward all men,
Titus 3:2
. And are we to be merciful toward those who need us? Yes: Put on, as the elect of God, bowels of mercy,
Col. 3:12
HenryWSC 68